Rethinking Conventional Investment Wisdom

What are the 5 blue chip stocks in India, excluding cyclicals, that gave less than 6% annualized return over the last 10 years? 

 August 20, 2020

Rethinking Conventional Investment Wisdom: The Case of Blue-Chip Stocks

Introduction: In the world of investing, certain terms like "blue-chip stocks" often evoke feelings of safety and security. These well-established companies have long been considered a staple in equity investments. However, this blog aims to challenge this conventional wisdom and encourage investors to adopt a more critical and inquisitive approach to their investment strategies. Caution: What follows has the potential to reshape your perspective on investing.

A Closer Look at Blue-Chip Stocks: We'll dive deeper into this subject by examining a handful of companies that hold a significant place in India's corporate landscape. They operate in sectors we admire, yet their stock performance over the past decade raises questions.




4. SBI (State Bank of India):

5. ITC:

Taking Dividends into Account: The above figures represent ex-dividend calculations, and even after factoring in dividends, the performance remains less than satisfactory. The question arises: why are these comparisons made right after the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is simple: we were tasked with this comparison. Notably, some companies managed to outperform during the pandemic, proving that exceptional performance is possible even in challenging times.

It's essential to acknowledge that, apart from SBI, we primarily focused on private companies in this analysis. The performance of many government-owned companies is even less encouraging.

Factors Contributing to Underperformance: Several factors can contribute to the underperformance of blue-chip stocks, including capital-intensive operations with significant gaps between investment and payback, government interference, inconsistent free cash flows, structural changes in business, shifts in sector popularity, and varying revenue and earnings growth.

The Need for a Diversified Portfolio: In the world of investing, it's not uncommon for businesses to thrive, profits to increase, and everything to appear positive, yet the stock price remains stagnant. This underscores the importance of maintaining a diversified portfolio of stocks. Instances like Reliance's zero returns from 2008 to 2016 and HUL's zero returns from 2000 to 2010 serve as stark reminders of this truth.

Conclusion: As a full-time investor and trader in the stock market, my focus is on empowering individuals with knowledge and insights, rather than offering direct financial advice. I invite you to join me in the pursuit of a secure financial future through informed and independent decision-making. Knowledge is the key to achieving your financial goals.

It's worth noting that, in my opinion, technical analysis offers a more compelling field of study compared to fundamental analysis. The benefits of using technical analysis include its ability to provide valuable insights into market trends, entry and exit points, and risk management, making it a powerful tool for informed trading decisions.